About Ministry of Download

Welcome to Ministry of Download.
Ministry of Download is a website dedicated to the millions of users of the Internet who thinks that downloading is the coolest form of sharing in the Internet.
We stick to one philosophy, which is
to share is to care.
And the Ministry cares for you.

In here, you can find almost everything that you need and want to download.
From movies, TV series, song albums to even softwares, games and magazines.

This website was created in the middle of 2010, and so, some older movies might not be available.
However, if you would like to request for any movie/song/game/whatever,
do drop a comment.
The Ministry will do its best to fulfill your wishes.

Do help us out and support us by clicking on the ads and also by sharing this website to your friends.
Thanks a lot.
And what are you waiting for?
Start downloading!